Monday, 13 September 2010


This new release from producer BP features instrumentals (some tracks include a few bars) from Shyhiem’s LP 'Disrespectfully Speaking', William Cooper’s 'Beware of the Pale Horse', 9th Prince’s 'Revenge of the 9th Prince' and a single track for 'The Spill'.

This LP is plastered with news and interview snippets about the BP oil spill but are taken out of context to make BP seem like he is a problem within the industry. 
Then we get songs made for 3 different MCs that sound similar, which make this LP sound like it was created for a single artist and suggests one of two things, one That the three artists like similar styles so wanted similar beats or two BP does what he wants to do, Either way it’s all good. The samples through-out are enjoyable and make me believe that BP is a digger and an appreciator of great music. An example of some sublime sampling is found around every corner and within every track most notably ‘snatching pockets’. I just think that BP has great ideas and a plethora of amazing samples but the rhythms and drum beats are so similar and basic it seems like it was easy to make near enough every track, by this I mean the basic bar arrangement and basic drum beats and by no means do I mean the mixing, arranging and cutting of the samples. 
'The Spill' is chock full of conspiracy and horror core flavours but also just good basic Hip hop vibes for the heads and it’s a nice addition to any Hip hop head’s digital collection. Overall I thought that the LP was a nice example of what BP is capable of at a basic level, and I honestly can’t wait to hear his next project whenever that may be.I just hope that BP focusses on his drums as much as his samples next time round.

Best track: ‘Gotta’ get this Money’
Worst track: ‘Heaven’

Avalible for free download now at...

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