Wednesday, 22 September 2010

ELeMEnTS oF ChANgE (UnRElEAsED hIP hOP fROm 1992)

We have another download to some more amazing, obscure and dope Hip hop from the 90's. And after a few days of no posts i thought i would share this slice of gold. I have tried to find more information about Schwinn and T-Mor but i couldent find a thing (if you know anything please get at me as i would love alot more of this great Hip hop in my collection). Anyway go download it if you like real shit and please comment and let me know what you think of these guys. Please keep checking back or join me on twitter @BtheUNDERdog for updates and more free music new and old....

1 comment:

  1. I produced and recorded this Elements of Change collection of songs. We're all from San Francisco. The group (EOC) had offers from just about every major label when these demo songs were recorded and shopped. The deals didn't work out but they were always two of SF's finest MC's. They performed and wrote lots of material as a duo, but many songs were usually heard live as they bounced off each others lyrics with an echo style that was original. They appear on The Coup's first album title track "Kill My Landlord", and recorded on songs with my group, Bored Stiff. Great underground duo!

