Monday, 18 October 2010

DOoM 16/10/10 LiVE fROm THe O2 aCAdEMy BRiSToL (ExCLuSIvE)

Oh yeah some videos i was going to edit but the format conversion was taking the piss... So i thought fuck this the videos are going to go up now!.. So here you go some not so great quality videos but you can get an idea of how the atmosphere was and Doom's stage presence... So one thing the venue was average but very cosy you can be at the back of the club a clearly tell whos doing what onstage. We figured that the floor above would be a good vantage point to see this gig and we were not dissapointed all though the floor was sticky as hell... The supporting act 'Introducing' were amazing and if they are ever arround Bristol again i will make sure im there because the rocked the croud and warmed us up for doom... The beer was Calsburg on tap and thats about it which made me pretty angry as i didnt want to drink a pint that tasted like ass and cost £3.90 when i can get that shit £5.00 for 8 cans... Doom was only 2 or 3 minutes late but people know how he is and people began to jeer and then Doom came out... First of it was really Doom and he was amazing. A energetic, dancing, lyrical geniuse let lose on the Bristolian public. People went crazy you could smell the grass being smoked in the air and felt the bass through the floor... The whole vibe was great the ammount of diffrent looking people at the gig was testiment to the sort of people Doom reaches... He just rocked the shit out of the academy and left a lasting memory for the lucky people that night... 

Allthough me and Dingle after the gig spoke about the set list and set lenth, we agreed that this guy is one of those people that sounds near enough identicle to his recordings... I have always critisized Doom and called him overated but this saturday made me appreciate Doom, his live game is insane (his hype man was dope but please Doom get a better DJ, someone that cuts shit up and can maybe play those 60s marvel cartoon samples)... If you have the chance dont hesitate to see this guy... On another note, Academy please sort out your appauling toilets! oh and sort the bouncers out too minus the bouncer i was talking to about KMD dudes sound haha PEACE

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